Just Bind

It's a small js library to bind a variable to HTML elements..

Inspired from Svelte Store.

When it's called returns an object with four methods.

import justBind from 'justbind';

const name = justBind('name'/*, initial value*/);

Set Method

This immediately sets the value of name to given value.


Get Method

This returns the current value of name.

name.get(); //Returns 'John'

Update Method

This is used to update the value of name, it accepts a function that returns the new value. Current value is passed to the function.

name.update(value => value + ' Doe');

Subscribe Method

This accepts a callback function that is called whenever the value of name changes. Either by calling set or update methods or via assigned inputs.

name.subscribe(value => console.log(value));


// Console prints output:
// John

Bind Value to HTML Elements

You can bind the value of name to HTML elements. Whenever the value of name changes, the value of the HTML element will be updated or if it's an input, the value of the input will be updated.

Values also will be updated when the content of the HTML element is changed, like if you type something in the input.

    const name = justBind('name',"John");

<input type="text" bind="name">

Things to consider before use/

What is next?


MIT License

2023 @Siniradam